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Planning applications submitted for final phases of Wapping Wharf

Detailed proposals for the final phases of Wapping Wharf have been submitted to Bristol City

Council by developers and owners Umberslade.

The Wapping Wharf North website provides more information about the proposals and the detailed

documents which form the planning applications are now available to view and comment on here

(application reference 23/02946/P).

The proposals have been significantly revised following two years of consultation with Wapping

Wharf traders, local residents, stakeholders, advisory bodies and the wider public.

Stuart Hatton, managing director of Umberslade said: “We would encourage anyone interested in

the future of Wapping Wharf to check out the documents on Bristol City Council’s planning portal as

a great deal of time and thought has gone into these proposals and we hope you can support them.

“We have listened very carefully to the feedback from all parties and worked hard to ensure we have

responded and made changes where possible, whilst maintaining the overall integrity of the design

and our vision for these final phases of Wapping Wharf.

“Our ambition is to build on what we’ve created so far but make it even better. We believe we have

created something fresh and exciting that will establish a balanced community here and draw

people to the area, with more green public spaces for them to enjoy.”

If approved, the proposals will secure the future of the CARGO independent businesses and provide

much-needed sustainable new homes, shops, restaurants, takeaways and workspaces, together with

generous landscaped public spaces, and more natural habitat for wildlife to improve biodiversity.

The development is arranged around a two-storey retail and workspace podium, inspired by the

transit sheds and shipping containers around the harbourside.

A new ten-storey landmark building fronting onto Museum Square will contain homes at upper

levels, terraced restaurants arranged down one side, including an open-air rooftop shipping

container restaurant, and a viewing terrace on the sixth floor offering unique views across the

harbour. A further four ‘wings’ of residential apartment buildings rise from the podium, ranging

between five and nine storeys above ground level.


Eat & drink at Wapping Wharf




Wapping Wharf in the evening




Serving a cocktail at Seven Lucky Gods


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